
Other members of the San Jose Cursillo movement serve the Secretariat in roles that are vital to the functioning of the San Jose Cursillo movement. The members of the Secretariat appoint coordinators to specific areas of San Jose Cursillo movement. The coordinators may oversee committees, they communicate and provide status reports directly to the Secretariat, and they are non-voting members of the Secretariat.

Rectora Discernment Coordinators

Laura Castellano &

Norma Basanese

Rector Discernment Coordinators

Chris Schmitz &
Don Boisvert

Palanca Coordinator

Theresa with an "H"

Music Resource Coordinator

Rob Lim

Communications Coordinator

John Vu

Other Committee Members:
John Vu: Social Media Facilitator
Greg Ripa: Website Facilitator

Chris Basanese: Newsletter Facilitator 

Database Coordinator

Roberto Borgione &

Raquel Romano


Anna Marie Kirkham

Other Committee Members:

John Vu: Former Secretariat Members