
Without the cooperation and support of the San Jose Cursillo Community and the sponsoring of new candidates, there would be no Cursillo Weekends. Thank you for getting involved in God’s work.

The role of being a Sponsor is a tremendous gift from God but it is also a serious responsibility requiring time, effort and most of all, prayer.

Sponsor Requirements

Those who have experienced a Cursillo weekend may wish to share the experience by sponsoring a candidate for an upcoming Cursillo weekend.

To become a sponsor, the Cursillista must be in good standing and have made their Cursillo prior to sponsoring any candidate (updated as of April 12, 2023).

The duties of sponsorship for a Cursillo weekend is a matter for serious consideration and prayer. The following guidelines provided  are to ensure that all sponsors are aware of their roles and responsibilities while providing guidance to both sponsors and candidates regarding additional requirements and procedures that will apply.

To avoid confusion and remain consistent with other Cursillo documentation, “4th Day” will be referred to anything beyond the Cursillo weekend. Although weekly reunions are many times referred to as “4th day”, they are technically called Group Reunions or Friendship Groups while the monthly reunions are called Ultreyas.

Selection of the Candidates

Duties of the Sponsor

Every candidate must have a dedicated sponsor or co-sponsors. The role of the sponsor is an important before, during, and after the Cursillo weekend. Team members serving on the candidate’s Cursillo weekend must be a co-sponsor with another member of the Cursillo community that is not serving on the candidate’s Cursillo weekend. The co-sponsor that is not working the team will have the responsibilities as outlined below.  

Sponsors should not sponsor more than two (2) candidates per weekend. Since all  sponsors accept the responsibility for initiating a candidate into a 4th Day and for guiding the newest of the community in continuing to live a Christ-centered life, all sponsors should be active and involved with Ultreyas, Group Reunions, and School of Leaders.The sponsor should also have an adequate knowledge of the Cursillo Method and should commit themselves only to those candidates they can follow up with effectively.

Pre-Cursillo Duties of the Sponsor

Cursillo Weekend Duties of the Sponsor

Post-Cursillo Duties of the Sponsor

The sponsor will assist the candidate in attending Ultreyas, School of Leaders Workshops and offer help finding or forming a Group Reunion (4th Day or Friendship Group). 

The Group Reunions (aka 4th Days) and Ultreya are keys to preserving and keeping the fire with Christ and the Community alive, which began on the Three Day Weekend.