The Secretariat
The Secretariat is the administrative organizational arm of the San Jose English Speaking Cursillo Movement. Each Cursillo Movement (English, Hispanic, Filipino, Korean and Vietnamese) within the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose has its own Secretariat.
The responsibility of the Secretariat is to ensure that the Cursillo Movement is alive and well while following the guidelines of the founding fathers. The Officers of the San Jose English Speaking Cursillo Secretariat meet on the second Wednesday of every month.
Buzz Bickham made his Cursillo in Spring 1993. Buzz serves as the Lay Director since February 2023. Buzz is a parishioner of Santa Teresa Parish in South San Jose.
John Huan Vu made his Cursillo in Spring 2016. John serves as the Assistant Lay Director since April 2022 and Communications Chair since July 2018. John is a parishioner of Saint Julie Billiart in South San Jose.
Sam Nickolas made his Cursillo in Spring 2017. Sam will serve as Assistant Lay Director in April 2025. Sam is a Parishioner of St. Frances Cabrini in San Jose and serves in multiple ministries. Sam is also married to a Cursillista with two children.
Fr. Chris Bennett
Fr. Chris Bennett serves as the Spiritual Advisor. Fr. Chris made his Cursillo and is Pastor of Saint Christopher. Fr. Chris has also served over 15 Cursillo weekends.
Serena Rodriguez made her Cursillo in Spring 2012. Serena serves as the Assistant Spiritual Advisor since June 2024. Serena is a parishioner of St. Christopher Parish in San Jose.
Laura Castellano made her Cursillo in Spring 2007. Laura serves as the Secretary since June 2023. Laura is a parishioner of Saint Christopher Parish in San Jose.
Isela Gasca made her Cursillo in the Fall 2009. Isela serves as the Treasurer since January 2025. Isela is a parishioner of St. Frances Cabrini Parish in San Jose.
Becky Wong made her Cursillo in Fall 2018. Becky serves as the Pre-Cursillo Chair since August 2022. Becky is a parishioner of Queen of Apostles Parish in San Jose and serves as a liturgical musician.
Jesse Orendain made his Cursillo weekend in Spring 1997. Jesse serves as the Three Day Co-Chair since September 2022. Jesse is a parishioner of Saint Mary (of the Immaculate Conception) in Los Gatos.
JT Sawaya made his Cursillo weekend in Spring 2008. JT serves as the Three Day Co-Chair since September 2022. JT is a parishioner of St. Frances Cabrini in San Jose for 45 years and serves as Lead Usher and Greeter.
Dave ‘Gus’ Gussman made his Cursillo weekend in Spring 2016. Dave will serve as Three Day Chair on September 2025. Dave is a parishioner of Santa Teresa Parish in San Jose.
John Southwell made his Cursillo weekend in Fall 2019. John will serve as Three Day Chair on September 2025. John is a parishioner of Holy Spirit Parish in San Jose.
Chris Dunia made her Cursillo weekend in Fall 2023. Chris serves as the Post Cursillo Co-Chair since August 2024. Chris is a parishioner of St. Christopher Parish in central San Jose.
Amy Blalock Castillo made her Cursillo in Fall 2005. Amy serves as the School of Leaders Co-Chair since July 2023. Amy attends St. Christopher in San Jose, St. Mary's in Los Gatos, and Santa Teresa in San Jose parishes.
Chris Schmitz made his Cursillo weekend in Spring 2011. Chris serves as the School of Leaders Co-Chair since July 2023. Chris is a parishioner of Holy Family parish in San Jose.
Former Secretariat Members
Know any former Secretariat Members that should be memorialized?
Please reach out to Communications and the Historian committees with the name of the person, their respective position, and if possible, the date of their term.
Lay Directors
Larry Cargnoni
Chris Basanese
Barbara Louis
Lynda DeManti
Kevin Eck (6/2004)
Mike Dodds
Dave Roberts
Pat Southard
Assistant Lay Directors
Janet Wolk
Sue Winklebeck
Carol Yanz
Doug Arant
Laura Castellano
Mimi Bini (6/2004)
Spiritual Advisors
Fr. John Poncini
Fr. Saju Joseph (7/2006)
Fr. Bob Leger
Assistant Spiritual Advisors
Peg Schrader & Irene Jacobs (7/2021)
Sheri Blank Burns
Don Wolk
Nick Soffiotto
Chris Basanese
Lynda DeManti
John Huan Vu (2/2019)
Amy Blalock Castillo
Sue Winklebleck
Barbara Louis
Patty Meehan (7/2007)
Wendy Davis
Mary Grunthaner
Dave Roberts (3/2006)
Paul Milioto (12/2024)
Mike O'Connell
Joe Milioto
Jeff Lola
Renee Bloomquist
Steve Houck (8/2004)
Pre Cursillo Chairs
Cathy Allen
Julie Goschy-Stalions
Chris Basanese
Nick Soffiotto
Patty Meehan
Gay Katiullis (1/2007)
JoAnn McPeak (1/2004)
Three Day Chairs
Sandy Tinapay & Mikey Salem
Brian Donnelly
Scott Beaumont
Doug Arant (10/05)
Post Cursillo Chairs
Stephanie Flemming & Susan Porria
Amy Blalock Castillo & Bobby Montalvo
Mary Jennifer Grunthaner
Bill Wright (1/2004)
School of Leaders Chairs
Julie Goschy-Stalions & Richard Morales
Larry Cargnoni
Tom Simpkins
Carol Yanz
Marilyn Epolite
Ed Wendler (7/2007)
Jane Cosgrove
Joan Southard