
The Treasurer will:

  1. Review the National Guidelines for the Treasurer as described in the Leaders’ Manual.

  2. Review and adhere to the Secretariat By Laws

  3. Review and adhere to the Secretariat Meeting Ground Rules

  4. Handle all financial matters of the Cursillo Movement.

  5. Provide allotted funds to the Rector/a following approval from the Lay Director.

  6. All payables greater than $300 will be submitted to the Lay Director for approval of payment. The Lay Director will sign or email the request for reimbursement or invoice indicating approval for payment prior to forwarding the request to the Treasurer. If the bill is not approved, the Lay Director will return it to the sender with an explanation.

  7. Ensure that National dues are paid on time. Coordinate with Lay Director.

  8. Keep a record of checks/cash received on QuickBooks.

  9. All money received must be maintained in the form of a copy of the check or entered in the check record before being deposited in the bank. The minimum data recorded in this record will be the check number, the name of the payer, what the receipt was for, and the amount received. The address and phone number of the payer would be advisable since this would probably be the only place this information could be found if anyone needed to contact the person who submitted the money.

  10. Keep a Checkbook Record, with the date of the check, the number of the check, to whom the check was written, the amount of the check.

  11. QuickBooks software (or approved comparable software)must be updated every 2 years. Back-up records must be kept on a writable CD.

  12. Provide monthly financial reports to the Secretariat.

  13. Communicate annual financial reports to the Diocese of San Jose (Fiscal year July 1 – June 30th).

  14. May order publications and other supplies required for Cursillo and Secretariat activities as requested by other members of Cursillo.

  15. Provide articles for the Cursillo Update as needed.

  16. Work with the other Secretariat positions to ensure the success of the weekend and the Movement.

  17. Attend and participate in all Secretariat meetings and activities of the Movement which includes:

    1. Thursday night registration for weekends

    2. Weekend clausura and potlucks

    3. Commissioning of Teams at their Day of Away

    4. Ultreyas

    5. School of Leaders

    6. Other Secretariat activities